Using Storytelling as a Persuasion Tool
(Excerpts from an article entitled "To Persuade People, Tell Them a Story" by Dennis Nishi)
Find ways to connect with your audience on
an emotional level, says Mr. Atkinson. Neuroscientists have discovered
that most decisions—whether people realize it or not—are informed by
emotional responses. Do some legwork to find significant events in your
audience's lives or your own that you can base your story on or use to
reinforce your points, he says.
This can
include dropping in anecdotes about taking care of a sick family member
or a memorable customer story, says Mr. Smith, now a corporate trainer
and author of "Lead With a Story: A Guide to Crafting Business
Narratives That Captivate, Convince, and Inspire."
Smith's book mentions a story told by a single mother to P&G about
the trade-offs that she made to support her children. Her experiences,
more than anything else that year, convinced P&G executives to lower
their price on shortening.
Mr. Atkinson
suggests organizing your story into three acts and starting by
establishing context. You want to let your audience know who the main
characters are, what the background of the story is, and what you'd like
to accomplish by telling it, he says. You might open, for example, by
describing a department that's consistently failed to meet sales goals.
on to how your main character—you or the company—fights to resolve the
conflicts that create tension in the story, Mr. Atkinson says. Success
may require the main character to make additional capital investments or
take on new training. Provide real-world examples and detail that can
anchor the narrative, he advises.
ending should inspire a call to action, since you are allowing the
audience to draw their own conclusions about your story versus just
telling them what to do. Don't be afraid to use your own failures in
support of your main points, says Mr. Smith.
you do, don't preface your story with an apology or ask permission to
tell it. Be confident that your story has enough relevance to be told
and just launch into it, says Mr. Smith. Confidence and authority, he
says, help to sell the idea to your audience.
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