Friday, January 25, 2013

Back at Reach, New Semester, New Twitter, New Orientations!

Hello Everyone!
First of all, I want to say WELCOME to all of the new international students excitedly roaming the streets of Madison! I was lucky enough to meet lots of you at the ISS Orientation last week and I hope that you all managed to find the grocery store and purchase cellphone plans (many of you were worried about that). I am sure you are adapting beautifully and I speak for all of my fellow Badgers when I say that we are so happy to have you here in Madison.
My name is Maggie Streeten and, as Kassie said in the previous post, I will be replacing her at Reach because she has graduated! I actually held the Reach position before Kassie but then I went abroad to take my turn being an international student! I was in Geneva, Switzerland where I was studying public health, working at WHO, speaking broken French, getting lost, and consuming far too much chocolate. Please feel free to stop by my office in ISS and introduce yourself if we don’t already know each other and even if we already do!
Being a global ambassador like you Reachers by teaching my Swiss friends about the 4th of July, an American Holiday.

Eating too much chocolate at a chocolate factory.
I am really excited to be back at Reach and I have lots of ideas about how to improve the Reach program in the coming semester.  First and foremost, we have a new twitter account so please, please follow us @UWReach (we are lonely without you following us!). I will be adding upcoming Reach events and volunteer opportunities via twitter and re-tweeting other campus opportunities and things that I think might be of interest to you. Also please feel free to tweet ideas for Reach at me!
In case you don’t already know we also have a facebook page:
I hope that the first week of the Spring semester went well for all of you! I know I am already drowning in homework but I guess that’s expected in the life of a student! If you know anyone who would be interested in joining Reach please have them email me at or have them attend one of the orientation sessions on February 12th or February 28th at 5:30pm in Mezzanine C, above ISS.
I look forward to connecting you with Reach events soon!
Keep warm,