Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Thank You and Farewell!

Today is my second to last day as Reach's program assistant. It is with sadness and excitement that I write this last goodbye post to all you wonderful and talented Reach volunteers! I've learned so much during my year in the position and I have truly enjoyed getting to know all of you- even if only through emails!

Me and some friends post-graduation ceremony!
What am I up to now that I am a fresh graduate and that my time with Reach has ended? I'm sticking around Madison! I'm working a few different jobs in order to save up for some travel plans. One job I'm working is at Madison's new, premiere, fine-dining restaurant- Cento. Stop by to say hi! I'm also planning to continue my doula training with the goal of eventually attending midwifery school. Since I am still in Madison, I am definitely planning on stopping by the office and maybe even attending some Reach events!

My absence means that Reach needs a new program assistant! If you're up for the job, stay tuned for application details! Or, if you have a friend who is interested be sure to send them our way. The new Reach coordinator, Brianna Cacchione, will be starting the hiring process very soon.

I want to say thank you to everyone who participates in the Reach program. I have learned so much by working here! You all have made my time here an incredibly valuable experience. It has been a pleasure to attend, coordinate, and plan the events in which you all took part. I've seen first hand the impact you have on the internationalization of the University and how you contribute to an increased global awareness in the state! Being a global ambassador is a difficult task to take on but you all have done magnificent job speaking about your cultures and home countries.

Lastly, it wouldn't be a Reach blog unless I gave some Reach tips! If you're home for the summer try to bring back some cultural artifacts to share during presentations!

All the best & keep in touch,


Thursday, January 23, 2014

Welcome Back to a New Semester!

Hello Everyone!

First, I want to say welcome to all our new international students! I got to meet a few of you at the ISS Orientation but I am looking forward to meeting more of you. I'm sure you are all adapting to Madison wonderfully and we're very excited to have you here! I also want to say welcome back to returning students! I hope you all had a much deserved and relaxing break.

I know I'm thrilled to be back in Madison and back working with Reach! I have tons of exciting new ideas for this semester and I'm anticipating some great opportunities for our volunteers. However, one thing that I did not miss about Madison is how cold it is! Don't feel bad if you are also having a hard time adapting to the climate. According to Weather.com, Madison, Wisconsin is the United States' 3rd coldest city!
I hope that the first week of the Spring semester went well for all of you! If you know anyone who would be interested in joining Reach please have them email me at reach@studentlife.wisc.edu or have them attend one of the orientation sessions on January 30 th or February 4th at 5:00pm in Room 106, in the Red Gym.

Stay Warm!!!
