Friday the 13th is considered an unlucky day according to superstitions in many regions. The exact reason why Friday the 13th is so unlucky but one theory suggests it is an agglomeration of two older superstitions: that the number 13 is bad luck and that Friday is the most unlucky day of the week. In honor of Friday the 13th, we're going to look at some superstitions from around the world!
United Kingdom
Women in Ancient Britain carried acorns in their pockets to stay young looking. The oak tree was believed to provide longevity and to ward off illness due to its long life.
In n 19th century England, men avoided salads if they wanted to start a family. It was believed that lettuce was detrimental to child-bearing because it was a 'sterile' plant.
Turkish superstitions say that if you chew gum at night, you are chewing the flesh of the dead. Better stick to mouthwash!
Instead of kissing on New Year's when the clock strikes midnight people eat grapes! Eating twelves grapes at midnight to bring in the New Year is believed to give you twelve months of good luck.
In Japan, if a hearst passes you by, or you walk by a graveyard, you must tuck your thumbs in to protect your parents. This is because the Japanese word for thumb literally translates as "parent-finger" and so by hiding it you are protecting your parents from death.
There is also a popular belief that when you see a spider in the morning, it will bring good luck. On the other hand, it is bad luck to come across a spider during night time.
In Russia, if a bird defecates on you, your car or your property it's good luck, and may bring you riches. The more birds involved, the richer you'll be!
Friday the 17th is considered an unlucky day rather than Friday the 13th in Italy.
Some Swedish manhole covers bear the letter K, which stands for kallvatten (clean water) but is also widely believed to stand for kärlek, love. The other half has an A for avloppsvatten, meaning sewage, but interpreted as a symbol for avburten, signaling heartbreak or bad luck in love. You can guess which ones locals hop around to avoid touching. They say the bad luck can be reversed if the person who accidentally treads on an A receives three pats on the back—though it must be happenstance.
Chances are the hotel you stay at in China will be missing a fourth floor. Four is considered unlucky as it sounds like the word for death. Understandably, four also is avoided in hospital floor and room numberings. The number eight, however, sounds like the Chinese word for fortune; 888 is considered a jackpot number, and many try to time important life events like marriages to dates that include eight. Case in point: officials scheduled the Beijing Summer Olympics to begin precisely at 8 p.m. on 8/8/2008.
Do you know of any other interesting superstitions? Comment below!
Hope you have a lucky Friday the 13th!!